9 Major Partners of Hakka Finance

Hakka Finance
6 min readSep 13, 2022


The Web3 world aims to radically distinguish itself from Web2, both in essence and mindset.

Web2, by its very “winner-takes-all” and centralized nature, intrinsically leads to merciless competition, while Web3 incentivizes transparency, cooperation, and integration between protocols and platforms. The more a protocol is affiliated with well-known platforms, the more trustworthy it becomes.

Hakka Finance is no exception. Our approach is to build an ecosystem integrated with various actors of the DeFi world.

Here’s a non-comprehensive list of who Hakka is partnered with, in alphabetical order:

1- Aave x iGain Finance

Aave is one of the largest and the most established liquidity protocols in DeFi. It is open source and non-custodial, enabling investors to make deposits and earn yield from it. On the other hand, investors may also borrow the tokens of their choice.

This means that the more people borrow, the more the demand for liquidity will increase, and the higher the yield will be. Vice-versa, if liquidity and deposits are abundant, the yield will be shared among depositors and therefore will be lower.

Unfortunately, this leaves room to demand and supply shocks, which is not ideal for stablecoin providers, who expect safe and predictable returns.

Hakka Finance has built iGain IRS on top of Aave to neutralize interest rate volatility thanks to derivatives (longing/shorting Aave interest rates) and enable users to earn at fixed rates from their crypto assets.

Inside iGain IRS, users can make Aave deposits without going to the Aave website. The platform will automatically calculate and buy a corresponding amount of SHORT tokens that will increase in value in case Aave interest rates are decreasing.

Similarly, users can borrow assets from Aave directly on the iGain IRS platform, which will buy a corresponding amount of LONG tokens to protect the investor against an increase in interest costs.

For solving this pain point of interest rate fluctuations, iGain IRS has also been rewarded by Aave itself with its official grant program!

Tip: Try to lend at least $10 on iGain IRS and get an NFT from Hakka P2E: Mission 4!

2- Chainlink x Hakka Intelligence

Chainlink is one of the most well-known protocols in the blockchain industry, due to its unquestioned leadership and the uniqueness of its value proposition, consisting of empowering other platforms as an oracle provider.

What does that mean concretely? Chainlink can provide high-quality real-world data in a decentralized way, like token price feeds, etc. Chainlink price feed consists of a decentralized network of independent and Sybil-resistant oracle nodes.

Chainlink, therefore, represents a key component of a price prediction platform like Hakka Intelligence, adding to its high standards of safety and data reliability.

This data feed is not just reliable and decentralized, it is now also automated. More details on our integration with Chainlink Keepers.

3- Fantom x iGain Finance

Hakka Finance has been initially launched on the Ethereum mainnet, and rightfully so. Ethereum remains the trustless, permissionless, and resilient network of choice. However, several issues led to the expansion of alternative networks. The latest in date is Fantom (FTM).

Currently, iGain IRS is the platform running on FTM. For what reasons?

There are four, actually:

  • Fantom has low fees.
  • Fantom is flexible in terms of smart contract code transposition from one network to another.
  • Fantom is backed by a thriving community of users and developers.
  • Fantom is supported by Yearn, a platform mentioned down below.

4- Galxe x Hakka Play2Earn

Lately, Hakka Finance has been thrilled to announce the launch of its brand new Play-to-Earn game!

It allows users to impersonate a Hakka Farmer, learning his way through the DeFi galaxy, while collecting NFTs along the way to level up and learn new ways to make money inside the Hakka ecosystem!

Hakka Play2Earn would probably have never seen the day without the On-Chain Achievement NFT platform Galxe (previously Project Galaxy).

By connecting Galxe’s API to the Hakka ecosystem, NFTs launched by Hakka can be claimed only if a user has performed a specific on-chain action. Thus, the best users would be rewarded accordingly, making this system bot-proof.

Plus, Galxe is known for the significant size of its community, providing more exposure to Hakka NFTs when they are trending on their homepage.

5- Genki x Hakka Finance

Our dear friends at Genki have developed the ideal web3 marketing tool.

Just like Galxe, it allows users to earn rewards after performing on-chain tasks, with the difference that the reward is not an NFT, but a prize inside a GenkiBox (a token airdrop, etc), offered to all users who have completed the required, or to a lucky few via a point-based lottery.

Since tasks to perform are mostly on-chain, they have the benefit of being bot or farmer-proof.

Recently, Hakka has launched 2 Genki campaigns, all for iGain Finance. More are planned for the future. Stay tuned!

Tip: We currently have an ongoing campaign on Genki, which will run until the 30th of September 2022. See Terms and Conditions.

6- Hashcloak x Hakka Finance

2022 has been a hell of a year for DeFi. A major reason has been a certain lack of transparency, as well as security breaches.

At Hakka Finance, security is our utmost priority before launching any product in the Hakka ecosystem.

This is possible thanks to our partnership with the blockchain firm HashCloak, and our audit results are public on Github.

7- ImmuneFi x Hakka Finance

However, auditing our code, smart contracts, and website is merely the first step.

To double down on security, Hakka puts skin in the game thanks to a partnership with ImmuneFi, providing a bug bounty program.

Any white-hat hacker can earn up to $1 million (USD) by finding bugs or vulnerabilities in Hakka smart contracts!

8- Polygon x iGain Finance

To gain scalability and enable Hakka users to enjoy lightning-fast transactions and low gas fees, iGain IRS has been launched natively on Polygon, one of the most popular networks in the DeFi space.

Moreover, iGain Finance also had the honor to be awarded a Polygon Developer Grant, as well as having been part of multiple events to reach out to the Polygon community!

9- Yearn x iGain Finance

iGain Finance users can also enjoy fixed APY on top of Yearn Finance! This integration also made possible the opportunity to make ETH deposits for the first time on our platform, which is huge since it represents a much more flexible alternative to staking.



Hakka Finance

A DeFi ecosystem with remarkable products administered by the HAKKA token.